Next, right-click on the browser Reload button visible in the upper right-hand corner of your computer screen. Assuming you have the Chrome browser window opened, press F12. When the “ Developer Tools” console is open in Google Chrome, the Reload button gets a drop-down menu with some options. In Chrome, the developer tools help you clear or empty the cache and do a hard refresh and reload easily, without breaking your flow or switching tabs. In browsers, you typically have Cookies, Temporary Internet Files cache, and Adobe Flash cache. Clearing the DNS Cache fixes your internet connection problem. Clearing the Memory Cache helps free up some system memory while clearing the Thumbnail Cache can free up space in your hard disk. Typically, there are three types of caches in Windows, which you can flush easily – Memory Cache, DNS Cache, and Thumbnails Cache. Normal Reload, Empty Cache & Hard Reload features in Chrome Google Chrome browser includes a feature that lets you Normal Reload, Hard Reload or Empty Cache and Hard Reload a web page. During such times we normally clear the cache and try again. The problem faced by such browsers is when bad results are cached, and this prevents your computer from conveying communication to the host correctly. Web browsers too, have become faster and better at providing a good user experience, primarily by caching the DNS records for a short time on top of the OS level cache.

Internet penetration across the globe has increased by manifold and continues to follow an upward trend.